Tuesday, September 15, 2009
On a political note...
In the spirit of bipartisianship, could we all just agree with B@arak Ob@ma, just this one time? About what you ask...well, with his statement the Kanye West is a jackass of course! Also, I'm pretty sure that if you want a conversation to be "off the record", you need to say (before you start talking), "This is off the record". What do I know though, I'm just a "household organizer", not a community organizer.
How to take a shower with 5 kids
So this morning I was getting myself and the family ready to go to our Tuesday activities. This entails fixing breakfast for 4 kids and dad (8 scrambled eggs, bagels, english muffins and oatmeal for C) and then finding an activity that all kids will do or be entranced by for a total of 15 minutes so that I can jump into the shower, brush my teeth and hope that as I walk out the door, I haven't forgotten a kid, or a leotard, or underpants. As I frantically jump into the shower, starting the 15 minute clock running, J decides that this is the time for a little multitasking (going potty + telling on one of the other kids) . On a side note, our house has 1.5 bathrooms. Yeah. So when there is business to be done, you've got two choices of where it will be conducted. The only time there isn't someone in the bathroom is when I don't have to use it. I have become very gifted in the art of the discreet bathroom break since there is always an emergency that hits just as I touch the door to the bathroom. I'm rushing through my shower when J comes in to use the potty. As he begins talking to me, he keeps pulling the curtin up, and I keep reminding him to leave it down. I finally, after the fifth time of telling him to leave it down (for pete's sake!), I finally said to him, "Jake, I am taking a shower and I don't want you to see me n@ked!". A pause...and he says, "You're naked in there?". HUH??? WHAAAAA?? What kind of showers has this kid been taking all along? I mean, the floors do get really wet when he takes a shower but I thought that was because he soaps his behind and slides down the slope of the tub. Maybe this explains the water, he showers (with clothes) and then gets out and strips them off, and wraps in a towel. Although, this makes me a little angry since I have been washing his clothes all along and could have saved that energy for mopping up water off the floor. Ah well, got to gymnastics on time and in the end, isn't that what counts? And for your viewing pleasure, more vacation delights:

Oh my goodness, could you just eat him up!?
Oh my goodness, could you just eat him up!?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hello...anybody there?
Well, it turns out this is exactly like an online baby book. I joyfully pick it out, intent on recording every event in the newest baby's life, only to write 3 things in it and stow it away for "later". "Later" has not come yet. My mother has recently given me my baby book, which made mention of the fact the I did not get along with other kids and I bit. I need to save those facts about my children only for the embarrassment factor. But I am newly energized to update regularly, only to show my children in their later years that in fact, I do remember things about them and they were important enough to write down...somewhere. J used to call PBJ "peanut butter J", C walked at 9 months (yeah!), S loves, loves, loves hats, J2 eats everything she finds, and J* crawled at 5 months. See, I do love the little monsters! I have also updated the links for sites that I follow only as a reminder to me and pare down the bookmark folder on my computer that grows like pink mold in the shower. So if you don't think they are funny, thats okay, I will just need to know who you are so that I can reevaluate our friendship and what is wrong with you that you don't find this funny>>>>>http://www.yousuckatcraigslist.com/?p=3079 or this>>>>>http://www.yousuckatcraigslist.com/?p=2728
No, I don't know whats wrong with your funnybone, but you should probably see a doctor about it. Now for a little vacation deliciousness:
No, I don't know whats wrong with your funnybone, but you should probably see a doctor about it. Now for a little vacation deliciousness:
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